Sunday, 7 April 2013

.....old stuff.......

...i was so excited to find this old mabel lucie attwell print...'s unframed and printed on hardboard...
..a little tatty round the edges.....
...but I thought that just added to its charm....?

'hmmm you like that old stuff mummy'
said my daughter as I excitedly hung it in her room
with some pretty ribbon...
well yes I do actually....

it looks gorgeous in her room
....but it did make me think....
...could it actually be possible that maybe just maybe
...the rest of my family aren't quite so keen?
...surely not?
well just to keep the peace...
i bought something new..
to prove a point you see....
now everybody's happy!


  1. ~ My daughter always says " Mum it is very YOU"....Meaning it isn't her.....Charm comes with age, me thinks....and quite possibly you have to be a little bit vintage to truly appreciate! LOVE Mabel Lucy Attwell! so cute! Enjoy your Sunday, Miss squirrel.... ~ Love Maria x

  2. Thats a very lovely heart you have it buttons or beads??

  3. I have to laugh at Maria's comment! But it's so true! Although I've always appreciated antiques and well-made furniture, second hand thrift stores were never my 'thing' until I started seeing things in there that reminded me of my childhood (or my parents' childhood!). I think it's all about that nostalgic feeling we get when we see old 'friends' sitting there on the shelf! Wendy

  4. My hubby just rolls his eyes at my makes and buys. They are squirreled away in drawers and cupboards until I can get my making room back from him and then I can fill it with the 'junk' I love! And how can anyone not love MAL - I adore her! x

  5. Oh what a charming find - I do so love Mabel Lucie Atwell and her dimpled babies.

  6. What a wonderful find, i adore Mabel lucie attwel too,especially the fairies and boo boos . Love the heart too :) xxx

  7. oooo i love it!u do find such wonderful treasures! mezz

  8. I had the exact same conversation yesterday! Lovely print! :) x

  9. May be we should all buy a big rambling house and set up home together with lots and lots of old stuff to share! A girl's allowed to dream, right?

    Silly me :-)



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