Monday, 25 February 2013

sweet serendipity...

..isn't it strange how sometimes
things just work out?
meet mabel....
we met by chance in my favourite antiques centre
 in honiton last week..
..for some strange reason my husband now thinks that everything i buy is for my new etsy shop(yeah right)
it's an excellent theory...
he just forgot to factor in his wife's
  love/need/want issues....!
(...i loved her face
..i needed to rescue her
...and i wanted to keep her!)
mabel is a jointed soft-bodied 1940s dolly...
..but something was bothering me.. was the dress..
..pretty but a bit too big..
...not quite right....
(here comes the serendipity bit)
remember my dolly knits?
ah ha...i had a lightbulb moment...!
so with a little dress alteration
(retro laura ashley leg o' mutton sleeves removed....)
it was meant to be.
i wonder who the other knits will belong to? the sun was shining...
...the birds were singing(squawking?)
..and what treasure should i find next???
a beautiful hand painted bowl 
with flying bluebirds...
(£2 again....serendipitous indeed)
oh and another keeper i'm afraid darling....
..and as if i hadn't had enough lucky strikes...
...i have had this little deer for a while...
he's very unusual as he looks like he's been carved from wood..
..but actually he is made of a celluloid sort of plastic..
...well would you believe it??!?
..i found him a friend!
whatever next?
and they all lived happily ever after...
with me!

p.s just put my badgers and a few new items in my etsy shop...
do pop by!

....fruit pastels.......

...i have found some pretty pastels 
on my travels...
...this lovely mabel lucie attwell box...
...a cute spring lamby and some
signature 'm-l-a' chubby cheeked children...
..and with some thorough squirrelling
i rummaged about and found a bag of
darling dolly knits...
...all for £2!
the lady selling them asked if I had any dolls....
hmmmm....what to say?
...well just a few(I didn't mention the monkeys, the bears,the squirrels........)
...a perfect fit!

Friday, 22 February 2013

...boys will be boys.....

...uh oh here comes trouble......
introducing the badger brothers......
...don't be fooled by those retro fair aisle tank tops....
these boys mean business!

Sunday, 17 February 2013

...the first signs of spring.....

the sun is shining....
...and the vanilla squirrel has hatched
her first easter chick....

Friday, 15 February 2013

..dorothy syndrome...

i know i'm not the only one... fact i can think of several people with the same problem....
...i just love little red shoes...
..any little shoes are cute....
...but there's something about the red ones... it just the dorothy syndrome of wanting 
those magical sparkly wonders?

..or does it hark back to our very first pair 
of start-rite sandals.....
...the red ones?

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Tuesday, 12 February 2013


...valentines day came early for my husband tonight....
....with this spud of love...
..quite symbolic as we met 28 years ago 
outside 'spud-u-like' in edinburgh..!
..i had some free time this morning...
..and found myself in the 
it was such a treat to snuffle around
with no time pressures...
..even if it was FREEZING!!!
..more hangers miss squirrel????
(it's getting to be quite an obsession you know!
..i have plans for these......)
...i have been resisting these little red shoes for some time now...
..but today i just wasn't strong enough..
..oh and a friend for my policeman..
..a 'little chef'..
(...which takes us rightback to where i started 
with 'spud-u-like'!)

Monday, 11 February 2013

....toadstools have mushroomed!

...the vanilla squirrel's paws have been in overdrive this weekend....
..stocking up my toadie supply for 
my etsy shop..... fascinates me how they take on their own personality....
...the same pattern..
..the same person...
..yet they all have a different little twinkle in their eye....
which one winks at you?
(don't tell the others but there's just something about this one!?!)

Saturday, 9 February 2013

..secret love...

in a special little cupboard
at the top of my stairs..
..hides a squirrel secret
that now i'd like to share.. looks like any other..
but when you peek inside...
...a hoard of tiny teddies 
have chosen to reside...
..i'm not sure how they got there
or how it came to be...
that all these little teddies
have ended up with me...
they are so good and tucked away
i can forget they're there...
..but if i pass i peek inside...
and tell them i still care.