Wednesday, 2 October 2013 project.... i found some funghi...
...not in the usual places...
(i.e all over the house)...
...wooden, felty, 
crochet(thank you miss daisy)....
....or just hangin' around...
...i love 'em all... these ones were outside...
....and spotted whilst walking the dog...
...i thought they looked so amazing
i'd take pictures....
.....and as i was snapping...
...and admiring them...
i thought it would be the sort of thing
you would do a school project about...
...research them...
...sketch them... a fabric...
...write a little poem about them...
...i got quite carried away in my imagination...
...oh the mushroomy possibilities!!!
...i was far too young to go to school
 when i did....
...i'd be SO much more interested and
enthused now....
....what homework would you choose tonight?



  1. Certainly looks as though there are some fun guys around your house!!

    1. Aha! See what you did there............. He he x 🍄x

  2. I do so know what you mean....mine would be english literature...This time i would really read the books...Oh what a luxury just to have hmwk to worry about!
    Daisy j xxx

    1. ...and the time to read those books too..........sigh!📚x

  3. Those are just "homework" will be watching the programme about textiles this evening at 9 o clock! Lizzie x

  4. My school memories aren't great I'm afraid so I'm glad I'm not there anymore! I would like however to be doing an A level in crochet! :) xxx

  5. That is sooo true - I didn't appreciate school at all when I was there - all those missed opportunities! How I'd love all the history lessons now. XX

    1. It's the not remembering too......... wish I could remember all my history lessons ......I seem to recall doiing lots of drawing in my history books and not a lot of writing!x

  6. I would like to do textile printing, please Miss. xx

  7. Ah, 'Youth is wasted on the young' - I would study art history. I started taking adult classes in art history, then I went and had a baby...then another...but someday I'll return to it. I love your shrooms! Chrissie x

  8. Damn Amy beat me to it! Great photos and a cool project.

  9. Thank you chrissie and yes you must go back to it........... one day...... X

  10. Oh, they're so cute. I keep seeing adorable felt mushrooms on blogs and now I want to make some for myself. :)

  11. Oh I loved doing projects at school so homework for tonight would be a history project, they were always my favourites. Great mushroom pics btw - bet some of those would be delicious roasted with garlic butter! ;-)

  12. Love the colours Miss Squirrel! I too, went to school far too young ... I would like to do English Literature homework tonight ... some of the books I was supposed to 'do' at school and never did are now among my favourites!

    Your toadstools look real 'fun guys' hahah ... sorry!

    Love Claire xxx

  13. Just read through the posts and see someone has already made the same joke ... sorry to put you through it twice! And Lazy Daisy just like me ...

    Love Claire xx

  14. Love the toadstools, both real and crafted! :-)

  15. Ooh nodding away like the nodding 'church hill' doggie at your post here.....I am a thinking quite often that when I grow up, i want to go back to school once more!! ~ I would quite possibly see just what we are suppose to see through these school years now.. Toad stools and mushrooms and fungi indeed...Are
    so very magical! Why oh why did we have to learn MATHS though...~ Happy new magical season and month to you! hugs Maria x

  16. Screen printing some pretty fungi would be a perfect project for me ... I am obsessed with them ... fascinating ... Bee xx

  17. Too right mushrooms are great and I totally agree if I went back to a school now it would be so interesting.... Not to mention school dinners my little boy is having puff pastry chicken pie today.. Yum

  18. Oops forgot to say which subject Emmmm let me see...Art , and textiles! can I have an extra lesson of History too, please and thank you!

  19. If I could I would do school all over again as long as I know what I know now... Last year I studied wild flowers and had so much fun learning about them, photographing and finding them. So with birds and wild flowers under my belt I need a new subject for next year and it is going to be learning about clouds and stones.....

  20. Such a lovely mushroomy post :o)
    I'd take much more interest in art ,Xxxxx

  21. I think I would like to learn how to watercolour. I am not very artistic but I have read that you can be taught how to paint and draw so that would be my homework!


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